Books Available Now

90 Days To A New You Devotional 

Changed, 90-days To A New You, devotional is an excellent tool if you struggle with falling back into the same old habits and behaviors and are ready to make a change. In this devotional, you will learn the Scriptural truths that can set you free from the bondage of sin. Each day you will be given practical insights to help you nd the transformation you desire as you grow into the person God created you to be. The daily questions not only help you reect on what the Scriptures are teaching but are designed so that you can apply those lessons to your life in a practical manner. Changed: 90 Days to a New You can help you make a lasting change, discover your identity in Christ, understand your purpose, and fulll God’s plan for you.

Designed by God

When you know who you are, you know what to do. “Created- Designed By God” will take you on a journey to the beginning. This journey will resolve the questions of who you are, your purpose, and what God has designed for you. You will see why you keep falling for the enemy’s tricks and how to overcome those deceptions with God’s help. Change isn’t as difficult as you think, “Created” will show you how easy it is to overcome your struggles, defeat the enemy, find the real you, & live the life God designed for you. God designed each of us, and it is God that defines us.

Promise Land
Exile to Redemption

Promise Land, Exile to Redemption walks us through Pastor Glenn’s call, to the painful demolishing and Devine rebuilding of Him and the ministry. The experiences shared demonstrate that God is willing to do whatever it takes to get our attention.  We learn when God stops us dead in our tracks it isn’t to hurt or punish us, but to protect and redirect us. Pastor Glenn gets brutally honest about the religious conduct that dominated his decisions. We learn that no matter what we struggle with, anything short of complete obedience is disobedience.  The good news is that we are not left living in in exile. Just as God delivered Pastor Glenn from his disobedience and renewed his gifts and callings, we see how God desires to do the same for us. In Pastor Glenn’s redemption we see the revelations that developed the recovery ministry that has helped so many. We learn whether you’re called to ministry, running from God, stuck in an addiction, bound in religion or just feel disconnected, Promise Land, Exile to Redemption is just the book you need to read..integer.

A Boy Named David
Pasture to Palace

A walk through King David's anointing to the fulfillment of the promise.  Examine the successes and failures that mark all of our lives and what it means to be a man after God's own heart. 


Promise Land, Exile to Redemption is a must read testimony for anyone seeking a deeper understanding on spiritual issues.  Pastor Glenn dives into into deliverance and spiritual warfare, an area I needed understanding in.  5 stars! 
Promise Land
– M. Wilbur
I struggled for years with not forgiving myself. I prayed & repented but never felt free. Through Pastor Glenn’s words in Promise Land, God revealed that I had un-severed soul-ties. After this revelation, I  walked through the deliverance process and now I am finally free. I am thankful that God used this book to direct me to freedom
Promise Land 
– Anonymous 
Pastor Glenn brings the Word of God to life.  He was there to help me when I had no one else.  My entire life had been destroyed by alcohol and I had no hope.  With Pastor Glenn's help I overcame my addiction and found freedom through Jesus. 
– Joe B.